Soul Dipper og guidene om manifestering
Soul Dipper er navnet på en klok eldre kanadisk dame sin blogg. I blant legger hun ut det guidene hennes har sagt – The Beloveds, og i dag så jeg at hun hadde postet et innlegg der de snakker om manifestering. Sånn apropos manifestering, som jeg skrev om her i går.
Dette handler jo om punkt 4. i innlegget mitt fra i går, om å være konkret nok når man manifesterer. Og litt om punkt 4, om å drømme for vagt og uhåndgripelig.
Videre sier de:
«Beloveds: The Universe cannot align with hoping or wishing. Hoping IS wishing. To give an example, if someone says, “please make things better tomorrow”, although spoken in a spirit of hope, it is not solid enough to help in the co-creation of a Universal response. There is so little for the Universe to grab, build on or support. On the other hand, if the person asks for “the willingness and courage to speak my truth – now” the Universe can immediately begin its conspiracy to fulfill the request. In this engagement, the petitioner will be stimulated and take action in a deliberate direction toward the outcome.
Being definitive allows the Universe to begin drawing and designing the outcome wanted and thereby bring it to the person who wants to move toward it.»
Jeg anbefaler å lese hele blogginnlegget hennes:»The Beloveds – hoping is wishing» 🙂